Am I evil?

For those that don't know, I share a parking lot with the house adjacent to me. Installed in this house are several bad examples of the human species, carrying a basic IQ to purchase cigarettes and change themselves and with room left for little else except occasionally to heckle bystanders. There is one, in particular, that is quite aggressive, whom I'm positive egged my car last year, though without proof, is merely educated conjecture. Pulling into my driveway, the fool is sitting on his porch, and theatricalizes sudden and painful blindness when I shine my lights in his eyes for less than a second. He has the gall to threaten me: to do me bodily harm the next attempt. I shoot back with "If you touch my car, I'll kill you". This sets him off in a fury, causing him to spout profanities related to my male organs and unfounded spectulations on my sexual orientation. I am wondering if they should reinstate the clinical use of the word "moron". I give myself exactly a half-second to philosophize on the episode, wrestling with the renaissance definitions of good and evil before I head upstairs, the soon-to-be festering roasted chicken in my hand then taking precedence.
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