Kingsdom of Heaven: a post-opening promotion

Damsel distressed
Let me start off by saying 20th century Fox dropped the ball on this one. For starters, they should have cast someone besides O. Bloom as the lead actress. Girls everywhere are bemoaning the loss of his signature blond locks, probably at the behest of moronic Fox execs who didn't want it confused with Troy, even though it takes place THOUSANDS of years later. Second, they unterestimated the power of bible beating middle America and did not market this as history remembers: the slaughter of Muslems and swordpoint conversions.Sad, maybe, but true. Look at The Passion of the Christ. Hollywood and the liberal media wrote off this section of the country until churches started sponsoring bus rides en masse to midmight screenings all across the south and Midwest. Lo and behold, TPOTC grosses well over $350 Million. But no, the "we must take this approach lightly and not offend anyone, even when just the mere thought production of this has already offended everyone east and south of Beruit". Dammit, let Mr. Scott work his thing and GTF out of his hair. I'll say this: go see the movie. The fact that the movie opened to just $20 million speaks volumes how the American Public knows jack about movies in attributes the weak opening to a case of jumping the gate too early. I disagree with that aspect, though they go on to state " I think you really have to look at the marketing, as it is getting extremely tired".Ridley Scott is the mastermind behind such epics as Alien,Gladiator and Blade Runner (the best sci-fi movie of all time-ask ANY scientist or anyone who knows a modicum about science). Mr. Scott, along with Michael Mann(another favorite of mine), is known worldwide for his wide-angle shots, particular attention to details, and genally tragic storytelling. If you were to use past history as a guide for the future you'd see this movie, critics and box office be dammned
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