Trouble with hypochondria

Normally I consider myself a healthy fellow blessed with a robust immune system( having gotten noticibly sick all of two times in the past six years), but the presence of a potential infection site has me concerned. Coupled with a bout of "hour fevers" has me wondering if I have contracted HSV. Remote, but still, considering my high risk factors and those I consort with, makes it within the realm of possibilty.Though this falls outside the one-week window one is typically given to develop symptoms.Thinking back to a possible vector, I have to think it was the girl whose lip I chewed on in Kentucky (don't remember this, but that's what she told me after the fact). I assume that this was more bacterial than viral, but at this juncture is difficult to discern. I treated the site with Neosporin and await further developments, hopefully on the recessive side of things. If no progress is made, I'll switch to Docosanol, as well as taking a culture of my cells for study. When the bill is due, it's time to pay; such is the price of life oftentimes.
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8:36 PM
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3:12 AM
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2:59 AM
There are numerous folks who opt for the whizzinator touch kit to pass the peeing test efficiently. People can acquire lots of accessories in this specific kit, but synthetic urine is one thing that has a tremendous role in passing the drug test. By utilizing this site, an individual can obtain more information regarding synthetic urine.
2:24 AM
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