Been a long time...
Obviously I haven't posted here for various reasons-the only noteworthy one would be that I'm too effen lackadaisical concerning my efforts on this front.I seem to have this unwarrented phobia that this blogger server may crash any day, and all work past and future will be for naught. However,a journal of my comings and goings should override any latent reservations in this regard, as is why I'm typing this.

My last few months in sum (will expand on this, promise):
Went to Charlotte/Myrtle Beach for New Year's
My friend died, or at least faked his death in a believable fashion.
My friend's old roomate's sister tried to date me, but was intimidated by my good looks (swear this is true)
Spent X number of mornings digging my car out of the bloody snow going to my semi-purposeless job
Went to Harrisburg, PA to take my NREMT exam. When the yokels said "Y'all comeback now, y'heere?" I won't be back. Ever.
IRS wants me, and not like a priest wants extra altarboys, though I might feel like one after they have had their way with me
Released from probation (woo-hoo!). I'm now free to kil....I mean contribute to society again
Went to Montreal for a batchleor's party and destoyed any small shred of socially aceeptable morals I might have had remaining inside my head.
Got my basic SCUBA certification. This is the first step in meeting all the single and attractive mermaids out there
The marathon was just that for me in a literal sense. This was by far the best one, and I pat myself on the back for the intestinal fortitude to keep going for 14 hard hours. Drinking, not running....dolts.
I am an intellectual giant compared to the drooling Paleolithic men and women I sit next to in my class. My professor wants to send me to medical school, stat.
Have almost finished draining this burg of all useable resources and contemplating a move to another. I hold this town in my hands and now is the time to drop it and grab another by the veritable horns.
A friend has been diagnosed with aplastic anmeia. In short, his marrow is defective and needs and a transplant. His chances of a slow, painful death are somewhat high.
I have had SEX with serveral women is the past few months. Anonymous, unprotected SEX is the only way to go.
My TiVO is working so hard, smoke is coming out of it.
Deadwood is tantamount to a victorian play put on by cheap, yet somewhat articulated prositues.
Yankees' performance has my brother wiping his brow and stating "glad those bums saved me a few thou" referring to his non-exsistant season tickets.
Going to the Kentucky Derby tomorrow, god help us all.
My life is far from boring-I'm like a shark, if it stands still, it'll drown. I wait for no man.
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