Dammit, I had a title for this blog, and a fine one, that. I know it's out there on one of your servers, Blogger.I know, and kills you that I know what you thought I didn't know now know.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Blogger King

Man I am so down with Blogger. I finally have my soapbox to stand upon and be heard (yes, the ears are distant, though if only one just catches voice my work is done).And what a fine shiny, impressive box it is, I might add. This template says I am young,trendy, and not afraid to stand up to authority. Yeah! Kinda like Ashelee Simpson. She IS rock for thenewGeneration. From here on, this template shall be called A-Simp; her father would be proud.

I enter these words with a poop-eating grin, knowing that my thoughts shall now outlive me indefinitely ( I don't plan on living terribly long-not suicide mind you-but two different $5 gypsies predicted my death by and underwater industrial accident within twenty years). six million blogs and counting exponentialy. I tend to eschew blogs that somewhat blather on and on about a solitary subject-"I really think my promotion is coming, but am afraid to ask, etc" and undertake a diary-like quality. C'mon. Maybe I'm smarter than most people-wait a second-I AM smarter than most people-but the masses could always jimmy open the lock to their sister's diary and peer inside to find the mundane and extra-ordinary transcribed therein. Was it worth reading? Or was the idea of taking the book more apealling than the book itself? Well the lock is now picked mofo, and it's inordinately insipid. I love the 60 minutes bullsh!t they feed to older views so they can stay "hip" to the youngsters. "What is a blog? People all over the world are blogging" "It's the latest trend!"(great Odin's ghost, I despise Baby Boomers with a passion, more on this later).

Anyone notice the high # of Latin-American (esp. Brazillian)-authored blogs. I'm trying to browse blogs and every other blog is en Espanol o Portugues. !Madre de Dios! Es uno internacional sensaciĆ³n fantastico! Acoplamientos a los blogs seleccionados que vienen pronto. Muy pronto.


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