
I recieved a shiny new TiVo for Jesus' B-day. good. Have to set it up w/o a landline(landlines and modems are SO 90's, my sister says with a groan). Notzogut. Let me tell you now loyal readers( you are legion, I know) this is a regal pain. I had to lug my TiVo and small TV to work to use the phone line(walking in at midnight with a box and small TV under your arms is nothing but shady-looking). After using the modem to download, etc, I brought it back home, only for it to go through the set-up screen again. Man! According to a TiVo blog, I need a network adapter to wire it to my network for a while during set-up, use a code,have it connect, THEN configure it to reconize my wireless network, replace the adapter with a new one and I'm good to go IF and only IF only if the original adapter works in the first place. How the eff do non techno-savvy people get by? WTF! To say my time is valuable is to put a price on it, which is not possible. More on this later. All I wanna do is watch "Lost" man. Geez.

Going to Charlotte tomorrow, I'll update these blogs and fill in gaps as to my comings and goings as well as those that surround me...time permiting. To say I have been preoccupied as of late is a massive understatement.